"Downton Abbey" Season 3 is just a month away from premiering in the United Kingdom and ITV, the broadcasting company in Britain behind the runaway hit drama, has released a short teaser clip of what we think is the Season 3 premiere, as the Granthams discuss the imminent arrival of Lady Cora's mother Martha Levinson, played by Shirley MacLaine.
距離《唐頓莊園》第三季在英國ITV電視臺上演只有一個多月的時間了,最近官方就放出了一個小片段,大家在討論Shirley Maclaine扮演的Cora小姐的外婆馬上就要來到唐頓莊園的事情。

There is also a cast photo that has been released, mirroring the cast photos from Season 1 and 2. Only this time, there are the additions of MacLaine as Martha and Branson, plus Sybil has moved from being on Lord Grantham's right side, with the rest of her family, to the left. It's also interesting that twilight has fallen over the estate, especially in light of the storyline we know is coming that the estate is out of money.