來源:Business Insider
2012-06-13 18:15
1.Try to give yourself enough time between leaving your old job and starting your new one to have a few days to yourself. If you only have the weekend to unwind and prepare, try to make that weekend as stress-free and leisurely as possible so that you are able to unwind from the stress of tying up loose ends at your old job. Starting fresh is the only way to succeed at a new job, so the more refreshed you are the better you'll do.
2.Make sure to bring all the necessary items to fill out paperwork. Check to see what forms of identification you need. Always bring an extra hard copy of your resume; human resources should already have a copy, but it isn't unusual for your superior or office manager to ask for one for their own files as well.
3.Arrive early and leave late on the first day. This will afford you some extra time to adjust to your new space before the business day begins. It will also give you insight on how the people in your department work. Do others show up early and leave late? Is the dress code being followed? Is the atmosphere relaxed? Do people start working immediately?
4.Your first couple of days will be less about work and more about getting set up to work. Setting up email accounts and learning new systems will cover the bulk of your first week, which will allow you time to assess office protocol. Notice how the workload is broken down, how people work and the communication style. If you are unsure of a procedure, ask questions now. People will forgive you for not knowing everything in the first few days.
5.If you're learning a lot of new procedures or unfamiliar systems, make sure you take notes. You don't want to be the employee who asks how to do monthly billing every time it comes up. If you have a hard time remembering things, store instructional emails in your outlook folders for easy access.
6.Meet with your supervisor immediately to discuss their expectations of you. You need to be on the same page from day one, so figure out how they and your team work and how your position fits into this scheme. If necessary, adopt new organization skills and attitudes in order to fit the office dynamic. When you're working in a group setting, it is important to be flexible, especially if you're the new guy.
7.Take the initiative to get to know the people in and around your department. If there are several employees that do your job, ask them to have lunch with you or hit them up while you're grabbing coffee in the morning. The more personable you are with the members of your team, the easier it will be to ask questions and decipher what your responsibilities are. If you get along with your co-workers, you'll be better able to effectively do your job.
8.Your first couple of weeks on the job will be a whirlwind of new information. Develop a plan for your first month to help you adhere to a strict schedule. The better you manage your time, the better able you'll be to get through the overload. You'll be amazed at how much time is in a day.