滬江英樂?Foster the People是一支獨立流行樂隊來自加利福尼亞(Califonia)的洛杉磯(Los Angeles)。這支樂隊第一次演出是在2009年的10月,那時他們才二十多歲。 參加頒獎典禮他們用一首《Pumped Up Kicks》征服了美國各種類型榜單的前10。樂隊的音樂類型以電子為主音,獨立電子風格的“80s synth-meets-’60s psych pop”。他們處子專輯余下的歌曲則是各流派巧妙混合的、擁有憤怒男孩歌詞的,臥室地板魔術(shù)一樣的音樂。它是衍生的,確定的,但是結(jié)果卻包含了比約翰·特拉沃爾塔(John Travolta)七十年代的褲子更多的頹廢的元素。

歌曲:Don't Stop
演唱:Foster The People

Walk little walk Small talk big thoughts
Gonna tell them all just what I want
That street two streets I see you and me
Hanging on the empty of swings
'Count high low don't worry my eyes are closed
I'm a superman and it's my show
One shoe two gonna kick with My new shoes
I'm going to kick until I need new shoes
Yeah , Yeah
I said don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Talking to me
Stop don't stop don't stop
Giving me things
I run they run everybody run run
And we're all just having fun
Sleigh ride boat ride piggy back ride
I'm going to show them all how I can ride
One two three close your eyes and count to four
I like to hide behind my bedroom door
Crayon on the wall
Color on the wall
Until I've broken every law
Stop, don't stop, don't stop
Laughing about it
don't stop
don't stop don't stop don't stop
Talking with me
Giving me thing
Stop don't stop don't stop