Glee is about to go where it NEVER has before! Come May 15, during that body-swapping ep, “Props,” a couple of cast members will take on…. wait for it… TAYLOR SWIFT!

A first for the show, Episode 20 will see two of last night’s major players taking on Taylor’s “Mean” in what is likely to be part of the continuation of Coach Beiste’s domestic violence storyline.?What’s more, Dot-Marie Jones(Beiste) will be dueting on the song with none other than Mark Salling (Puck)!

Ryan Murphy confirmed the news at the cast’s panel discussion at the TV Academy, where Jones was also on hand to discuss the heavy storyline that started in “Season 3, Episode 18: “Choke.” She told the panel that she based her portrayal on the experiences of a friend, saying, “It wasn’t hard to get there,” and sharing that she cried while reading the script.

Does this mean Beiste will be taking a cue from the New Directions ladies and declaring her frustration with Cooter in song? We sure hope so!

滬江娛樂快訊:《歡樂合唱團》終于將翻唱Taylor Swift的歌曲啦!在5月15日即將播出的最新一集《Props》中,兩位劇中演員將翻唱Taylor的熱門單曲《Mean》。這將是Glee第一次翻唱小美女的歌曲!據(jù)悉,此次的翻唱曲目將由橄欖球女教練的飾演者Dot-Marie Jones將和飾演帕克(Puck)的Mark Salling對唱。
