安妮海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)是極少數(shù)成為男同性戀者心中偶像的女性演員,這不僅僅因為她的美麗、時尚、隨和,以及如奧黛麗·赫本般高雅無暇的氣質(zhì),更因為她對LGBT(Lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Transgender)這個少數(shù)人群體如家人般的理解支持。在人權(quán)政治化的今天,Anne的態(tài)度更加可貴。十五歲的時候,她得知了她的哥哥米歇爾是一名同性戀,她表示:“我理解我哥哥,全心全意愛他,尊重他的自由?!?/p>
My dear friends,
You have honoured me this evening to a degree I don't feel I yet deserve. I believe I have recieved this award not because of what I have done, but because of how I was born and raised. I was born the younger sister of a gay man, and the daughter to parents who are empathetic to, and loving of the LGBT comminity. In my household, being gay was and is no big deal. When my brother came out we loved him, hugged him and that was that. When he brought his first boyfriend home for a couple of weeks one christmas, the only comment from my father was, "Please, don't mix up out underwear!".
We had no idea that I would become notable for my work and that our family would be labelled as having 'an alternative family lifestyle'... for the record, we don't think there is anything alternative about our family values. I don't consider myself just an ally of the LGBT community, I consider myself family. And so, I'm doing what we should all do with our families, loving you, supporting you and if anyone ever tries to hurt you, I'm gonna give them hell. There are people that have said I'm being brave by supporting gay marriage and adoption, but with all die respect I humbly dissent. I'm not being brave, I'm being a decent human being, and I don't believe I should recieve an award for that. For believing that love is a human experience, not a political statement.
Sadly, we don't live in a world where everybody feels the same, and so my family and I will try and help the good fight continue until that long awaited moment arrives. When our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed. This award does not in any way show the pinnacle of my work with the LGBT community, rather a triumphant roar to say that we are just beggining our fight together. In closing, to paraphrase a quote by the man imbodied so well by the late and great Heath Ledger, I swear HRC, I swear, I have not yet done enough to deserve this award, but the best is yet to come!