英語格言警句 Talent (T2)
We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.
- Stevie Wonder
Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers.
- Henri-Frederic Amiel
Literature is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to people who have none.
- Jules Renard
Ability is a poor man's wealth.
- John Wooden
Nature creates ability; luck provides it with opportunity.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words: this is good luck.
- Buddha
Great talent finds happiness in execution.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it.
- Frank Sinatra
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it, piece by piece -- by thought, choice, courage, and determination.
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.
- Sophia Loren
It is not your aptitude, but your attitude, that determines your altitude.
- Zig Ziglar