“View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg has booked a guest-starring role on Fox’s musical dramedy, “Glee,” according to TV Line. And she’s not the only guest we may be tuning in for on the Fox hit.

Goldberg will appear in a multi-episode arc playing “a theatrical grand dame” and professor of dramatic arts in NYC who heads to William McKinley High School to preside over Kurt and Rachel’s auditions. So whether our musical mavens are destined for Broadway … or dinner theater … some day, it looks like their fates lie in Whoopi’s hands!

Whoopi’s first of three episodes airs Tuesday, May 1st, leading up to the May 22 finale.

Those final episodes may also feature another famous face, according to TV Line.

Tabloid star, er, actress Lindsay Lohan, who’s clawing her way to the comeback trail, is reportedly in final negotiations to guest star on “Glee” as herself, appearing as a celebrity judge at Nationals. Most recently, Lohan hosted “SNL” to very mixed reviews.

滬江娛樂快訊:NBC音樂劇《名聲大噪》(Smash)的熱播,主打成熟、寫實風格,著實讓FOX熱劇《歡樂合唱團》感受到了壓力。不過Glee積累了3季的影響力絕不可能輕易言敗,瑞恩·墨菲繼續(xù)了之前的策略,再次打出了精彩的明星客串牌:烏比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)和林賽·羅翰(Lindsay Lohan)都將會在第3季出現(xiàn)!

FOX也給出了兩人客串的具體身份:Lilo將會出現(xiàn)在第3季的最終集中,飾演她自己,將作為全國比賽(Nationals)的一位明星評委,和之前確認的喬許·葛洛班以及奧莉維亞·紐頓-約翰一起組隊,這也是Lilo在主持了《周六夜現(xiàn)場》之后接到的又一份演藝工作,她正在通過工作,重回演藝之路。而烏比·戈德堡的角色則將會出現(xiàn)多集,她將飾演Carmen Tibideaux,一位紐約戲劇藝術學院(NYADA)的戲劇教授。她來到俄亥俄州向Rachel和Kurt發(fā)出了一份面試邀請,這個角色的出現(xiàn),將會對Rachel和Kurt的未來有著深刻和重大的影響。
