GQ best movies

Down with the Oscars! The Real Best Movies of the Year!

With Hollywood's season of self-pleasuring in full swing, GQ pays tribute to the movies of 2011 by handing out a few awards of it's own.


Movie of the Year: The Tree of Life 年度大片:《生命之樹》

As gorgeously elusive as if it had been edited by butterflies, Terrence Malick's dawn-of-creation reverie about a 1950s Texas boyhood had its share of visionary overreach. But Brad Pitt gave the greatest screen performance of 2011 as America's ultimate midcentury dad. Thwarted, soulful almost in spite of himself, he was why Malick's aspirations to profundity came close to the real thing.


Dud of the Millennium: Sucker Punch 千年啞彈:《美少女特攻隊(duì)》

300 director Zack Snyder's $82 million dream project turned out to be Inception for Barely Legal fans. WTF? No, seriously: WTF?


Best Movie That Will Be an Opera Someday: Melancholia 有朝一日可能演繹為歌劇的最佳電影:《憂郁癥》?

Set among a family of rich, wounded monsters whose antics take on a tragic heft once we learn they're facing extinction, Lars von Trier's finest film yet was the rare end-of-the-world story that convincingly wondered whether Earth's demise would be worth mourning. And from Kirsten Dunst doing Sylvia Plath better than Plath did to Kiefer Sutherland making you think Ingmar Bergman would have killed to hire him, the cast proved wonders never cease.


Best Love Story: J. Edgar 最佳愛情故事:《胡佛傳》

Perfunctory at best in its biopic mode, 81-year-old Clint Eastwood's latest turned into a different—and far more interesting—movie whenever Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer were alone together on-screen as FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and his intimate crony Clyde Tolson. If public life has seldom looked so constricting, rarely have closets looked roomier.


Best Brad Pitt Movie Not Directed by Terrence Malick: Moneyball 非泰倫斯.馬力克執(zhí)導(dǎo)的最佳布拉德·皮特影片:《點(diǎn)球成金》

Uh-huh, Brad again—sly, offhand, and totally convincing as Oakland A's GM Billy Beane, who transformed the game with his innovative approach to a roster. Moneyball's lumpy side didn't matter a whole lot whenever Pitt and Jonah Hill hit another sweet spot in Aaron Sorkin's flavorful?dialogue.


Best George Clooney Movie We're Sort of Glad Wasn't Directed by George Clooney: The Descendants 讓我們感到欣慰的一部非喬治.克魯尼執(zhí)導(dǎo)的喬治.克魯克最佳影片:《后人》

Hawaii setting aside, the material of Alexander Payne's first feature since 2004's Sideways wasn't too fresh. One reason nobody cared about that shortcoming was the fantastic delicacy of Payne's attentiveness to the quirks and habits that reveal people's personalities in default mode. Another was that Clooney has never been better—and who'd have thought we'd see the day when he and his pal Brad were vying for acting MVP of the decade?


The "Top This in 2048, Lady Gaga" Award: The Skin I Live In “Lady Gaga !62歲時做得更好”獎項(xiàng):《吾棲之膚》

Imagine still being able to really tick people off the year you turn 62. Including, especially, people who championed your impudence back when you were young. That must mean you're Spain's one and only Pedro Almodóvar. Disfigurement as a path to self-knowledge, Hitchcock gone gynecological, Antonio Banderas as a plastic surgeon who turns out to be a horror-flick version of Jay Gatsby? Skin was the most disturbing—and ultimately magical—movie Almodóvar has ever made.


Best Occupy-Wall-Street Recruiting Film: Margin Call 最佳“占領(lǐng)華爾街”募兵宣傳片:《商海通牒》

Set mostly inside the sleek offices of a Manhattan brokerage firm after number-cruncher Zachary Quinto discovers the market's looming meltdown will put them out of business if somebody doesn't start strategizing PDQ, writer-director J. C. Chandor's assured debut didn't demonize Wall Street traders. Nope, Margin Call just showed us their mind-sets at work—which was plenty damning enough.
數(shù)字天才扎克瑞·昆圖發(fā)現(xiàn),如果沒有人立即著手制訂策略,日漸走向衰敗的市場將毀掉他們的生意。之后的大部分故事發(fā)生在曼哈頓經(jīng)紀(jì)公司井然有序的 辦公室里。作家兼導(dǎo)演J·C·陳多爾成功的處女作沒有妖魔化華爾街的商人們?!渡毯M骸分皇歉嬖V我們他們的工作理念足具毀滅性。


Best Surefire Crowd-Pleaser That Wasn't: Warrior 最符合觀眾口味卻沒有獲獎的影片:《勇士》

This one's failure to ignite with the great American male public is a mystery to all of us here at your favorite magazine. So just remember how Fight Club didn't do boffo business either before turning cult classic. Starring Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as a modern-day Cain and Abel—not to mention Nick Nolte as their dad, a grim fraud midway between Adam and God—director Gavin O'Connor's mixed-martial-arts lollapalooza was The Deer Hunter divided by Rocky and multiplied by East of Eden.
影片的落榜令偉大的美國男性公眾憤憤不平,對你最喜愛雜志的所有工作人員來說,這也是個謎。所以,只要記住《搏擊俱樂部》在成為文化經(jīng)典之前也沒 有得到賞識。由湯姆·哈迪和喬爾·埃哲頓在影片中演繹現(xiàn)代該陷和亞伯——更有尼克·諾特扮演他們的父親,兄弟情仇的始作俑者。導(dǎo)演加文·奧康納情感動作混合片的精彩之處就如同摒棄了《洛奇》理想成分而融入了《伊甸之東》兄弟恩怨的《獵鹿人》。


Charmer of the Year: The Artist 年度大贏家:《藝術(shù)家》

In 2011, there were two kinds of movie buffs. There were those who'd seen director Michel Hazanavicius's one-of-a-kind tribute to the lost days of silent film—starring Jean Dujardin as a 1920s matinee idol undone by the coming of sound—and couldn't shut up about how wonderful it was. Then there were those turned off by Category A's endless babble. So here's a hot tip: Category B doesn't know what it's missing.


Indie Find of the Year: Cold Weather 年度獨(dú)立小制作:《寒冷的天氣》

Shot on the kind of budget once reserved for pet-store commercials, Aaron Katz's nifty little mystery story looked great anyway—and better yet, had more on its mind than the usual slack-jawed interpersonals and anomie. Turns out nothing chases away those Generation Z blues like turning amateur detective when your ex-girlfriend goes missing, something that also let Katz's protagonist and his pals mimic all sorts of cool behavior they'd spent their lives watching on TV.
亞倫·卡茲憑借為寵物商店做廣告留出的費(fèi)用拍出的絕妙神奇小故事看起來棒極了,或許這樣說還不夠,它比讓人目瞪口呆的日常人際關(guān)系和社會反?,F(xiàn)象 更耐人尋味。它證明,沒什么能讓Z時代的人們擺脫憂郁,即使是女友失蹤讓你成為業(yè)余偵探,卡茨的主角及好友們模仿他們花時間在電視上學(xué)到的各種“酷”行為。


Best Reason to Miss the Soviet Union: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 追憶蘇聯(lián)的最佳理由:《鍋匠、裁縫、士兵、間諜》

Once this smart, thorny adaptation of John le Carré's classic novel about the scramble to identify a mole in British intelligence found its bleak but engrossing Cold War groove, it just kept getting better. For which we can thank Gary Oldman, John Hurt, and Colin Firth, along with—once again—Tom Hardy, who added a jolt of rogue liveliness right when one was needed.


Non-Event of the Year: Drive 年度掃興影片:《亡命駕駛》

Seldom have so many agitated cinephiles made so much fuss about so little. Nicolas Winding Refn's exercise in arty pulp was memorable mainly for the hilarious lawsuit it provoked from disgruntled Michigan ticket buyer Sarah Deming, who'd been hoping for something more Vin Diesel-y.