But the little prince was wondering. The planet was tiny. Over what could this king really rule? "Sire." he said to him. "I beg that you will excuse my asking you a question." "I order you to ask me a question." the king hastened to assure him. "Sire, over what do you rule?" "Over everything. " said the king, with magnificent simplicity. "Over everything?" The king made a gesture which took in his planet, the other planets and all the stars. "Over all that?" asked the little prince. "Over all that." the king answered. For his rule was not only absolute: it was also universal. "And the stars obey you?" "Certainly they do," the king said. "They obey instantly. I do not permit insubordination."
可是小王子感到很奇怪。這么小的行星,國王他對什么進(jìn)行統(tǒng)治呢? 他對國王說:“陛下……請原諒,我想問您……” 國王急忙搶著說道:“我命令你問我?!? “陛下……你統(tǒng)治什么呢?” 國王非常簡單明了地說:“我統(tǒng)治一切?!? “一切?” 國王輕輕地用手指著他的行星和其他的行星,以及所有的星星。 小王子說:“統(tǒng)治這一切?” “統(tǒng)治這一切?!? 原來他不僅是一個絕對的君主,而且是整個宇宙的君主。 “那么,星星都服從您嗎?” “那當(dāng)然!”國王對他說,“它們立即就得服從。我是不允許無紀(jì)律的?!?/div>