There's something very sparkly going on here...

Yes, Natalie Portman looked amazing last night at the Oscars: Her makeup was flawless, the dress was perfect and that necklace was crazy good.

And what about that big rock on her finger?

We already know that Portman and Benjamin Millepied are engaged, but aside from noticing her sparkler while presenting the Oscar for Best Actor last night, photographers also caught a band on Millepied's ring finger.


Could this mean they got hitched...or just wanted to sparkle at the Oscars? We can only guess at an answer since neither of their reps have responded for comment.

Still, the Black Swan star is known to be super secretive about her private life, before dropping a shocker the way she did her pregnancy and engagement over a year ago.

So we are left to say, congratulations...on looking so great, Natalie.

滬江娛樂快訊:在剛剛落下帷幕的第84屆奧斯卡金像獎上,上屆影后娜塔麗·波特曼為本屆最佳男主角頒獎。還記得上次她拿獎的時候還大腹便便的樣子嘛?一年后,順利誕下兒子的娜塔麗如今看上去神采奕奕,身材更是恢復(fù)到了懷孕之前的玲瓏有致。本屆奧斯卡上,娜塔麗與未婚夫Benjamin Millepied一同出席。紅色的禮服承托的她明艷動人,頸部璀璨無比的項鏈更是無比奪目。然而,任何閃亮都無法搶去她指間的那枚鉆戒的光彩。盡管她與未婚夫早已訂婚并有一子,但外界對于遲遲未披上婚紗的娜塔麗海華絲非常關(guān)注的,據(jù)悉就連未婚夫的無名指上都戴上了戒指,看來娜塔麗好事將近了!恭喜!