This is AP News Minute.
Lawmakers on Capitol Hill say they've reached a compromise on the bill extending a payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for the unemployed. Speaker John Boehner says he supports the agreement, but he doesn't think the deal will help U.S. economy very much.
Joseph Kennedy III is looking to add to his family's political legacy. Kennedy has launched his campaign for the Massachusetts congressional seat now held by the retiring Barney Frank.
A guard from a Honduran prison where 358 inmates were killed in a fire Wednesday says only six officers were on duty at that time. The facility houses more than 800 prisoners. The Associated Press has also learned that most of the inmates had never been charged, let alone convicted.
Two astronauts aboard he International Space Station went out for a walk Thursday. The Russians are relocating a construction crane and installing a panel to protect against space junk.
Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.