【AP一分鐘】加州同性婚姻禁令無效 同志歡呼(視頻)
This is AP News Minute.
A federal appeals court has declared California's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional. The ruling paves the way for a likely U.S. supreme court showdown on the voter-approved law, known as Proposition 8.
A vice president at the Susan G. Komen for the cure of breast cancer charity is leaving. In a letter, Karen Handel says she supported the move by the charity to cut off its funding for Planned Parenthood. A move was reversed last week after a firestorm of criticism.
Russia's foreign minister is urging Syria's president to move ahead with reforms as a way to resolve the bloody 11-month uprising. Sergey Lavrov met with President Bashar Assad in Damascus. He says Assad indicated that he's ready for dialogue with his opponents.
And the New York Giants celebrated their Super Bowl win with a ticker tape parade. The parade set off from the southern tip of Manhattan and moved slowly north to City Hall.
Rita Foley, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.