

Medal Winner:

The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship ?傻子與飛船的故事 ? ? Uri Shulevitz

Honor Books:

Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky 太陽和月亮為什么住在天上 ? ? Blair Len


Medal Winner:

Drummer Hoff ? 鼓手霍夫 ? ?Ed Emberley

Honor Books:

Frederick ? 田鼠阿佛 ? Leo Lionni

Seashore Story ?海濱故事 ? Taro Yashima

The Emperor and the Kite ?皇帝和風(fēng)箏 ? Ed Young


Medal Winner:

Sam, Bangs & Moonshine 珊珊的月光 ? Evaline Ness

Honor Books:

One Wide River to Cross ?穿過一條寬闊的河 ? ? Ed Emberley


Medal Winner:

Always Room for One More ?永遠(yuǎn)都還有一個空間 ? Nonny Hogrogian

Honor Books:

Hide and Seek Fog 霧里捉迷藏 ?Roger Duvoisin

Just Me ? 像我平常那樣 ?Marie Hall Ets?

Tom Tit Tot ?猜,猜,猜不著 ?Evaline Ness


Medal Winner:

May I Bring a Friend? 我可以帶一個朋友么 Beni Montresor

Honor Book:

Rain Makes Applesauce 雨做成了蘋果醬 ? ?Marvin Bileck

The Wave ?波浪 ?Blair Lent

A Pocketful of Cricket ?一袋板球 ? Evaline Ness


Medal Winner:

Where the Wild Things Are ?野獸出沒的地方 ? ? Maurice Sendak (>>戳此下載<<

Honor Books:

Swimmy ?小黑魚 ? Leo Lionni?

All in the Morning Early 清早 ? ? ?Evaline Ness

Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes ? ?鵝媽媽童謠 ? ?Philip Reed?


Medal Winner:

The Snowy Day ?下雪天 ? ? Ezra Jack Keats (>>戳此下載<<

Honor Books:

The Sun is a Golden Earring ?太陽是個金色的耳環(huán) ?Bernarda Bryson

Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present ?兔子先生和可愛的禮物 ?Maurice Sendak


Medal Winner:

Once a Mouse 從前有一只老鼠 ?Marcia Brown

Honor Books:

Fox Went out on a Chilly Night: An Old Song ?一個寒冷的夜晚,狐貍出來了:一首老歌 ? Peter Spier

Little Bear's Visit ?小熊來訪 ? ?Maurice Sendak

The Day We Saw the Sun Come Up ? 我們看到太陽升起的一天 ? ? Adrienne Adams


Medal Winner:

Baboushka and the Three Kings ? 老婦人和三個國王 ? Nicolas Sidjakov

Honor Books:

Inch by Inch ?一寸蟲 ?Leo Lionni?


Medal Winner:

Nine Days to Christmas ?還差九天圣誕節(jié) ? ?Marie Hall Ets

Honor Books:

Houses from the Sea ?來自大海的房子 ? ?Adrienne Adams

The Moon Jumpers ? 跳月的精靈 ? ? Maurice Sendak