

Medal Winner:

Snowflake Bentley 雪花人 Mary Azarian

Honor Book:

Duke Ellington ?艾靈頓公爵??Brian Pinkney?

No, David! ?大衛(wèi),不可以 ?David Shannon (>>戳此下載<<

Snow ?雪 ?Uri Shulevitz?

Tibet: Through the Red Box ?天喻之地 ? Peter Sís


Medal Winner:

Rapunzel ?長發(fā)姑娘 ?Paul O. Zelinsky?

Honor Books:

The Gardener ?小恩的秘密花園 ? David Small?

Harlem 哈林風(fēng)景?Christopher Myers?

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly 有個(gè)老婆婆吞了一只蒼蠅?Simms Taback (>>戳此下載<<


Medal Winner:

Golem 傀儡 David Wisniewski?

Honor Books:

Hush! A Thai Lullaby ?噓!泰國搖籃曲 ?Holly Meade?

The Graphic Alphabet ?圖形字母 ?David Pelletier?

The Paperboy ?報(bào)童 Dav Pilkey?

Starry Messenger ?星際信使 ?Peter Sís


Medal Winner:

Officer Buckle and Gloria ?警官巴克爾和警犬葛芮雅 ? Peggy Rathmann?

Honor Books:

Alphabet City ?字母城市 ?Stephen T. Johnson?

Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin ?大家來聽音樂會(huì) ?Marjorie Priceman

The Faithful Friend 忠實(shí)的朋友?Brian Pinkney ?

Tops & Bottoms ?上面和下面 ?Janet Stevens


Medal Winner:

Smoky Night?煙霧繚繞的晚上?David Diaz

Honor Books:

Swamp Angel ?沼澤天使 Paul O. Zelinsky

John Henry ?約翰·亨利 ? Jerry Pinkney?

Time Flies ?光陰似箭 ?Eric Rohmann


Medal Winner:?

Grandfather's Journey ?爺爺?shù)穆贸??Allen Say

Honor Books:

Peppe the Lamplighter 培培點(diǎn)燈 Ted Lewin?

In the Small, Small Pond 小小池塘 Denise Fleming?

Owen?阿文的小毯子?Kevin Henkes (>>戳此下載<<

Raven: a Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest 烏鴉:一個(gè)來自西北太平洋的騙人故事 ?Gerald McDermott?

Yo! Yes? 嗨!是的? ?Chris Raschka?


Medal Winner:

Mirette on the High Wire ?天空在腳下 ? ?Emily Arnold McCully ?

Honor Books:

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales ? 臭乳酪人及其他相當(dāng)愚蠢的故事? ? Lane Smith

Seven Blind Mice ? 七只瞎老鼠 ? Ed Young

Working Cotton 做棉花的故事 ?Carole Byard


Medal Winner:

Tuesday ?星期四 David Wiesner

Honor Books:

Tar Beach ?瀝青海灘 ? Faith Ringgold


Medal Winner:

Black and White 黑與白 David Macaulay?

Honor Book:

Puss in Boots ? 穿靴子的貓? ? Fred Marcellino

"More More More," Said the Baby: Three Love Stories 三個(gè)有關(guān)愛的故事 ?Vera B. Williams


Medal Winner:

Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China 狼婆婆 ?Ed Young?

Honor Books:

Bill Peet: An Autobiography ?比爾·皮特的自傳? ?Bill Peet

Color Zoo ?動(dòng)物園的一天 ?Lois Ehlert?

The Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American South ?會(huì)說話的蛋 ???Jerry Pinkney

Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins ?言下之意,光明精靈 Trina Schart Hyman