Sarah Jessica Parker
"lying in"

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Sarah Jessica Parker recently played a frantic working mother struggling to "have it all". But it seems life is imitating art as women across the country are so busy juggling their work and home lives - they barely have any time to themselves. It's no wonder when 75% of Brits work 12 hour days - with 31% admitting to 30 minutes "me-time'" on an average day, a survey revealed. Their lives are so hectic 63% admit recording a TV show - just so they can fast forward the adverts to save time, according to the research carried out by cupcake company Green's. The survey also saw 1/3 of women vote for "lying in" as their top activity should they be given more "me-time". Some 55% are always fighting against the clock while 60% never get the time for a to-do list. 1/3 of women often wake in the middle of the night panicking about what they need to do the next day - reminiscent of a scene in the film where Kate, played by Parker, is unable to sleep as she thinks of her schedule for the morning ahead. Plus 47% rarely have time to themselves. They are spending considerably more time than men on daily activities such as chores and cooking with 39% dedicating more than two hours to household chores, compared to just 15% of men. 1/5 of women spend more than two hours running errands, with only 11% of men doing the same.
莎拉?杰西卡?帕克最近扮演了一名拼命地想多頭兼顧的忙亂的職場母親。 然而,現(xiàn)實生活似乎在模仿藝術(shù)——全英國的女性都在工作和家庭生活間疲于奔命,幾乎沒有屬于自己的時間。 調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),75%的英國女性每天工作12個小時,難怪31%的人平均每天只有30分鐘的“個人專屬時間”。 根據(jù)格林杯形蛋糕公司開展的這一調(diào)查,英國女性的生活十分忙碌,63%的人承認自己把電視節(jié)目錄下來,以便能夠快進跳過廣告來節(jié)省時間。 調(diào)查還發(fā)現(xiàn),如果能有更多的個人專屬時間,三分之一的女性將“睡懶覺”票選為自己最想做的事情。 大約55%的女性一直爭分奪秒,60%的女性總是找不到時間來做“該做的事情”。 三分之一的女性常在半夜醒來,想到第二天要做的一大堆事而心生恐慌。這讓人想起帕克扮演的電影角色凱特,她一想起第二天早晨的日程安排就無法入眠。 還有47%的女性幾乎沒有屬于自己的時間。 英國女性要花費比男性多得多的時間做一些日?,嵤拢缂覄栈詈妥鲲?。39%的女性每天做家務的時間超過兩小時,而只有15%的男性是如此。 五分之一的女性每天要花去兩小時以上的時間給家里跑腿辦事,而只有11%的男性這么做。