
Finnish Lawyers Association

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The next time you are eating an ice lolly in the office, be warned: you could be sexually harassing your colleagues. That, at least, is the bizarre suggestion from a group of lawyers calling for new sexual harassment laws to include women who eat "too provocatively" in public. The Finnish team has even released a video showing a young female office worker sucking an ice lolly in a highly suggestive manner. Male colleagues look away awkwardly as she moans and licks the lolly in the minute-long clip. A question then appears on the screen asking: "Is this sexual harassment? We know the answer." The Finnish Lawyers Association, which represents thousands of legal experts in the country, said on its website: "We have released this video to raise a very difficult issue. Sexual harassment in the workplace can target anyone, men or women." "We fully intended to throw the cat among the pigeons and hope to stimulate debate about what is a very tricky legal area." "We also want to inform the public that if they are unsure about a complex situation they may have faced, lawyers are there to help them." An expert in European laws on sexual harassment told French newspaper France-Soir: "This video shows a woman consuming an ice cream in a totally exaggerated manner that would make any man raise his eyebrows." Across most of Europe, the law says that any gestures aimed deliberately at sexually intimidating another person are a criminal offence. This film shows it is sometimes difficult to know where to draw the line and that women as well as men can be guilty of sexual harassment.
下次在辦公室吃冰棍,你可要小心了:你可能會對同事構成性騷擾。 芬蘭一些律師提出這條離奇的建議,他們呼吁實行新的性騷擾法,將在公眾場合“挑逗性”地吃冰棍的女性也納入性騷擾的范疇。 這些芬蘭律師為此發(fā)布了一段視頻,其中,一位年輕的女職員吮吸著一支冰棍,姿態(tài)很撩人。 在這段一分鐘的短片中,女職員邊舔冰棍,邊發(fā)出吮吸聲,在場的男同事們十分尷尬地把臉轉過去。 隨后,屏幕上出現(xiàn)了一個問題,“這是性騷擾嗎?我們都知道答案。” 芬蘭律師協(xié)會在其網(wǎng)站上說:“我們發(fā)布這一視頻旨在提出一個十分棘手的問題,即工作場合中的所有人都可能成為性騷擾的受害者,不論男女?!痹搮f(xié)會代表著芬蘭的數(shù)千名法律專家。 “我們希望激起大家的熱議,來討論這一棘手的法律領域?!? “我們也想告訴公眾,如果遇到復雜的法律難題,可以向律師求助。” 一位歐盟性騷擾法律專家告訴《法國晚報》,“視頻中的女子吃冰棍的樣子非常夸張,這會讓所有男人側目?!? “在歐洲多數(shù)國家,法律規(guī)定任何蓄意對他人造成性脅迫的挑逗姿勢都屬于刑事犯罪?!? “從這段視頻可以看出,性騷擾有時很難界定,女性和男性一樣可以實施性騷擾?!?/div>