South America
Mexico, in Tabasco, Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize and Western Honduras
the Classic period 古典期
squash 南瓜
cacao 可可豆
"cenotes" 豎井
hieroglyphic writing 象形文字
Saskia, I'm doing some research about ancient cultures in South America. Which one do you think I should choose?
I think the Maya are your best bet. There's so much information available about them.
Maya, OK. There's certainly a lot of them! They lived all over Mexico, in Tabasco, Chiapas, Guatemala, Belize and Western Honduras.
They were believed to be the most intelligent of the ancient cultures. The culture's beginnings have been traced back to 1500 BC, entering the Classic period about AD 300 and flourishing between AD 600 and AD 900.
They seemed to be excellent farmers, too. They cultivated maize, beans, squash, and chili peppers, and also "cash crops" of cotton and cacao.
This can't have been easy, the climate was inhospitable. They also built their settlements next to "cenotes", natural watering holes.
The Maya devised a complex style of hieroglyphic writing that has yet to be fully deciphered and they knew lots about science, maths and astrology.
They used maths and astronomy to predict eclipses and other heavenly events with great precision and formulated a unique calendar system more exact than the one we use today