New York State Senate
Andrew Cuomo
Jason Carson
校稿 jilang
翻譯 xzc1987
組長 jilang
The New York State Senate approved the legislation Friday night by a vote of 33 to 29, as four Republican lawmakers crossed party lines and voted in favor of the bill. Governor Andrew Cuomo, who'd pushed for the bill, quickly signed the legislation into law, meaning pending court challenges, same se…
周五晚上,紐約州參議院以33票贊成,29票反對通過了一項同性戀婚姻法案。其中,四位共和黨議員沒有贊同其政黨路線,投了支持票。一直在推動這項法案的州長安德魯?科莫匆匆地署上姓名,法案成了法律。這意味著,一個月后,紐約州內(nèi)的同性戀人可以合法地結(jié)婚,懸而未決的法院質(zhì)疑也將塵埃落定。 “我們不僅為紐約人民,而…