科學(xué)60秒:地月水不同 彗星釋緣由
The researchers used what's called an ion microscope to compare the amount of normal hydrogen in the moon rocks to the amount of the hydrogen isotope deuterium, which carries an extra neutron. They found deuterium at higher levels than it's found in Earth water — but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake and Halley. Which suggests comets ____3____ water on the ancient moon, shortly after its formation four-and-a-half billion years ago.
The finding could also explain a mystery of water on Earth — how the oceans got here. Because if comets ____4____ the moon, they probably hit the Earth, too. Ocean water does have more deuterium than water in the Earth's mantle. Maybe, the researchers say, that's because the oceans have ____5____.
科學(xué)60秒:焦慮成疾不要緊,奮筆疾書幫大忙 Writing Exercise-
Performance anxiety can be ____1____. Entertainers who suffer from it come up with creative defenses. Bono has his purple shades. The indie rock singer Cat Power faces away from the audience. Oth...
Think about flying and you no doubt think about air. The wind in your face, the wind at your back, the wind beneath your wings. Now physicists note that light can also ____1____. Their work appea...
Hints: New Haven Connecticut The United States Supreme Court began its summer break this week. One of the last decisions of its term will likely cause employers to take greater care in how they ...
奧巴馬提議適度削減政府開支 (1)
The president says all the programs being eliminated or reduced are wasteful or unnecessary. "We can no longer afford to spend as if deficits don't matter and waste is not our problem. We can n...