Kate Middleton
Cheryl Anderson Brown
Queen Elizabeth II
校稿 reallyyan
翻譯 manhattan280
組長 莜珍
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詞語掌故:無能為力 (2/2)
Hints: Charles Funk Thomas More John Ayto Scandinavian Denmark Norway 校稿 forever秋懵 翻譯 marrywhy 組長 jilangWord experts differ about how the expression started. Some believe it came f...
歐盟法庭禁止英國遣送兩名索馬里籍罪犯 (2/2)
Hints: Bellamy European Convention Human Rights London's King's College Satvinder Juss 校稿 雨盡無言 翻譯 shellyray163 組長 莜珍Bellamy says under the European Convention on Human Rights, ...
Hints: McMansion monolith MSN Business 校稿 reallyyan 翻譯 莜珍 組長 ilmalfoyCitizens who are upset by the super-sized houses going up in their neighborhood have four choices: move, win the ...
Hints: University of Illinois Extension Jeffrey Dinslage 校稿 elftea 翻譯 superabit 組長 方小異The University of Illinois Extension advises getting bare-root roses as close to planting time as...