St. John:圣約翰。St.為Saint的縮略語,常放置人名或地名前,尤指經(jīng)基督教會宣布的,例如牧師。
Diana and Mary were very kind to me when I became stronger. However,their brother St.John seemed very serious and not friendly. He was young and very handsome. I knew that Diana and Mary wanted to know all about me,but they did not want to ask questions that would hurt me,so we did not talk of the past. But St.John asked me many questions. I only told him a little about myself. I said that after going to Lowood School,I became a governess for a rich family. Then an unfortunate event,that was not my fault,made me have to leave the house. That was all I would tell him. I offered to do any kind of work,such as teaching,sewing,or cleaning,so that I could make my own money. St.John was very gald that I wanted to work,and promised to find me a job.