n. 低語,竊竊私語,颯颯的聲音
vi. 低聲說,竊竊私語,颯颯地響
vt. 耳語,私語
n. 流言蜚語,蹤跡,暗示
"Does she know?"Mildred whispered. "No,and she isn't going to find out! Do you understand?Don't tell her anything!" It was then that I knew there was a secret at Thornfield. At last the day of the party came. Everything was ready for Mr. Rochester and his guests. As the people arrived Adele and I watched from an upstairs window. We saw Mr. Rochester on his black horse,and with him rode a beautiful lady,her black curls flying in the wind. "That must be Blanche Ingram!" I thought. Soon many ladies and gentlemen were walking through the house,talking and laughing. Adele loved parties and hoped that Mr. Rochester would ask her to meet the guests,but she and I both went to bed early. Mr. Rochester asked for me to bring Adele down the next evening.