to adj. 斷續(xù)的 adv. 不連貫地
One should be able to sense the beauty of this rhythm of life,to appreciate,as we do in grand symphonies,its main theme,its strains of conflict and the final resolution. The movements of these cycles are very much the same in a normal life,but the music must be provided by the individual himself. In some souls,the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody. Sometimes the discordant note gains so much power that the music can no longer go on,and the individual shoots himself with a pistol or jump into a river. But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-showed through the lack of a good self-education. Otherwise the normal human life runs to its normal end in kind of dignified movement and procession. There are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuosos,and because the tempo is wrong,the music is not pleasing to the ear;we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo of the Ganges,flowing slowly and eternally into the sea.
人們當學會感受生命韻律之美,像聽交響樂一樣,欣賞其主旋律、激昂的高潮和舒緩的尾聲。這些反復的樂章對于我們的生命都大同小異,但個人的樂曲卻要自己去譜寫。在某些人心中,不和諧音會越來越刺耳,最終竟然能掩蓋主曲;有時不和諧音會積蓄巨大的能量,令樂曲不能繼續(xù),這時人們或舉槍自殺或投河自盡。 這是他最初的主題被無望地遮蔽,只因他缺少自我教育。否則,常人將以體面的運動和進程走向既定的終點。在我們多數(shù)人胸中常常會有太多的斷奏或強音,那是因為節(jié)奏錯了,生命的樂曲因此而不再悅耳。我們應該如恒河,學她氣勢恢弘而豪邁地緩緩流向大海。