作者:Henry van Dyke
O, who will walk a mile with me Along life's merry way? A comrade blithe and full of glee, Who dares to laugh out loud and free And let his frolic fancy play, Like a happy child, through the flowers gay That fill the field and fringe the way Where he walks a mile with me. And who will walk a mile with me Along life's weary way? A friend whose heart has eyes to see The stars shine out o'er the darkening lea, And the quiet rest at the end o' the day- A friend who knows, and dares to say, The brave, sweet words that cheer the way Where he walks a mile with me. With such a comrade, such a friend, I fain would walk till journey's end, Through summer sunshine, winter rain, And then? - Farewell, we shall meet again!
誰將與我為伴? 一位無比快樂的伙伴,敢于放聲大笑 沉醉在異想天開的歡樂中,如開心的孩子般, 在田野和路旁盛開的鮮花間, 一路伴我行。 啊,在疲憊的人生路上, 誰將與我為伴? 一位朋友,心明眼亮 能看到天色漸暗的草地外, 星星在黃昏的寧靜中閃爍-- 一位朋友,了解且敢于說出 勇敢,甜美的話語, 以振奮途中行人, 一路伴我前行。 有如此伙伴,如此朋友為伴, 我愿一路走下去, 一直穿過夏日的艷陽,冬日的寒雪, 之后呢?—— 再會,我們還會相見!