The first thing she heard was a general chorus of There goes Bill! then the Rabbit's voice along Catch him, you by the hedge! then silence, and then another confusion of voices Hold up his head, Brandy now, Don't choke him, How was it, old fellow? What happened to you? Tell us all about it! Last came a little feeble, squeaking voice, That's Bill, thought Alice, Well, I hardly know, No more, thank ye; I'm better now, but I'm a deal too flustered to tell you, all I know is, something comes at me like a Jack-in-the-box, and up I goes like a sky-rocket!
首先,她聽到一片叫喊:“比爾飛出來啦!”然后是兔子的聲音:“喂,籬笆邊的人,快抓住它!”靜了一會兒,又是一片亂嚷嚷:“抬起它的頭……,快,白蘭地……別嗆著了它!怎么樣了?老伙計,剛才你碰見了什么?告訴我們?!? 最后傳來的是一個微弱的尖細聲(愛麗絲認(rèn)為這是比爾)“唉,我一點也不知道……再不要,謝謝你,我已經(jīng)好多了……我太緊張了,沒法說清楚,我所知道的就是……不知什么東西,就像盒子里的玩偶人(西方小孩經(jīng)常玩一種玩偶盒,一打開盒蓋即彈出小玩偶來。)一樣彈過來,于是,我就像火箭一樣飛了出來!”