你愛洗澡嗎?你愛在洗澡的時候唱歌嗎?你會因為家人用水影響到你洗澡時的水溫而郁悶嗎?Al batt的又一篇幽默小短文,記錄某天清晨洗澡時的感受,語言生動風(fēng)趣,讓人忍俊不禁。
Hints:Al Batt | Goldilocks | colossus | Elvis Presley | It's Now or Never | Lutheran
The Shower by Al Batt A famous line from a great book reads, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Now I know what the author meant. I am taking a shower——the best way I have found for me to start a day. Some people like an icy cold whower in the morning——one that will wake them up quickly. Not me. Some people like a very hot shower——one that eases the sleep out of the body and limbers up those sleep stifened muscles. Not me. I like showers just the way Goldilocks liked her porridge——just right. Not too cold and not too hot. Just right. While I am in a shower, I have no doubt that the day is going to be a great one. I stride the earth like a colossus. The best ideas come to me when I am in the shower. I should write them down, but the paper always gets too wet and soggy. I depend on my memory to preserve them. I sing in the shower. Normally a pathetic singer, I am a regular canary when I'm in the shower. Today I am pretending to be Elvis Presley singing It's Now or Never in front of thousands of adoring fans. The louder I sing, the more they love me. I rock. I have a neighbor who is fond of saying, "When things get too good, look out." He is Lutheran, he has to say things like that.
浴室變奏曲 作者:阿爾·巴特 某本偉大的書里有這么一句名言:“那曾是最好的時代,也是最糟糕的時代。”現(xiàn)在,我知道作者說這話的意思了。我在洗澡——這是我能找到的開始新一天的最好的方式。有些人喜歡在早上沖個冰冷醒神的冷水澡,那會讓他們迅速清醒過來。我不是這類人。有些人喜歡水溫很高的熱水澡,能把睡意趕出體外,讓那些處于睡眠狀態(tài)的僵硬的肌肉變得柔軟。我也不是這類人。如同金發(fā)姑娘對粥的要求一樣,我對洗澡水的要求也是——溫度剛剛好。不要太冷也不要太熱,溫度要剛剛好。洗澡的時候我無疑會覺得“今天”會是很棒的一天。我像巨人一般大步大步地踏地前行。洗澡的時候,我總能想到最好的點子。我應(yīng)該把他們都寫下來,但紙總是給弄濕,吸滿了水。于是,只能憑借記憶保存它們。 洗澡的時候,我會唱歌。平時我唱歌唱得很差勁,但洗澡時,我就成了十足的金絲雀。今天,我假扮“貓王”埃爾維斯·普雷斯利,在數(shù)千名崇拜我的“粉絲”面前唱著“現(xiàn)在,或永不”。我唱得越大聲,他們就越愛我。我邊唱邊搖頭擺尾。我有個鄰居喜歡說一句話:“當(dāng)事情都太順利的時候,要當(dāng)心?!彼欧盥返陆蹋瑫f那樣的話。