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整潔的農場 遠離乳腺癌 (2)
Ynte Schukken SchukkenThe same is true for milking machines, milking areas and pasture lands -- the cleaner the better, he says. Milkers should always wash their hands. And, in the United States,...
聯(lián)合國官方稱,現(xiàn)有感染艾滋病病毒的人比他們預期的要少...United Nations officials now say fewer people than they thought are infected with the virus that causes AIDS. Last year, the agency known as...
曾經名聲顯赫的歷史名校ANTIOCH,現(xiàn)在卻面臨生源不足的困境Now, the university Board of Trustees has voted to suspend operations at Antioch College next July. School officials say the goal is reopen ...
科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)安眠藥除了讓人進入睡眠,還有一些潛在的危害The Food and Drug Administration did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep-driving it has documented. However, the New York Times...