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簡愛 聽力訓練72
jealous adj. 妒忌的,羨慕的,嫉妒的The old house had never seen so much life and activity during the days of the party. Everyday Mr.Rochester and his guests rode horses,and walked in the beautif...
著名的民權(quán)領(lǐng)袖哈雷姆·阿爾·夏普頓牧師組織了針對律政司的示威游行...Reverend Al Sharpton, a well-known civil rights leader, organized the protest march, targeting the Justice Department for what h...
四、五十年代的美國,貝芙莉·希爾是婦孺皆知的大眾明星HINTS: Beverly SillsLincoln Center for the Performing ArtsMetropolitan OperaMuppets 20120119編輯Sills passion for the arts never faded, even af...
四、五十年代的美國,貝芙莉·希爾是婦孺皆知的大眾明星Sills passion for the arts never faded, even after her retirement from the stage in 1980. She became one of the most influential and successful