The president says all the programs being eliminated or reduced are wasteful or unnecessary. "We can no longer afford to spend as if deficits don't matter and waste is not our problem. We can no longer afford to leave the hard choices for the next budget, the next administration, or the next genera…
總統(tǒng)稱所有被取消或刪減的都是浪費資源或無關緊要的項目。 總統(tǒng)奧巴馬講道,“赤字無關緊要,浪費無足輕重??此七@樣的開銷方式我們再也無法承受。我們不能再把這種難題留給下一季的預算,留給下一屆的政府或是留給下一代。” 第一輪的財政削減看似無傷痛癢, 只從總統(tǒng)2010年3.55萬億美金的預算中減掉170億美元,但總統(tǒng)稱這個…