2011-05-24 22:30
the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program
Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
校稿 Season111
翻譯 小章丶Cat
組長 lisa1128
the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program
Department of State
Kentucky Consular Center
校稿 Season111
翻譯 小章丶Cat
組長 lisa1128
A green card is an official document identifying a person as a permanent resident of the United States. It does not give citizenship to the card holder but permits him or her to live and work legally in the country. There are many ways to get a green card and the process can take several years. …
綠卡是一個人作為美國永久居民的官方證件。持有綠卡雖然不代表就擁有美國國籍,但持有者可以在美國合法居住和工作。 獲得綠卡的途徑有很多,過程需要幾年不等。通過具有美國國籍的親屬來獲得綠卡是常見的一種方法。美國會對其公民的配偶、子女和父母給予特別關(guān)照。 綠卡持有者也可以為其配偶或子女提名申請綠卡。 …
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