緋聞女孩:S02E16-1 我擔心的是你 而不是公司 Chuck什么時候才能接受Lily的心意啊
2011-10-27 11:00
Chuck在被Uncle Jack 整了之后 努力的想要整倒Jack 不過用盡了方法卻依然不起作用 于是終于回來找了Lily 請求她幫他想辦法 在繼Bart死后 Chuck就一直因為Bart的死耿耿于懷 沒辦法接受Lily一家的關心 故意把Lily想得很冷血 可是 Lily的關心確實千真萬確出自于心底的 Chuck你什么時候才能放下心結坦然接受Lily一家的心意呢?
<聽寫方式: 填寫對話缺失的部分,不用帶數字序號>
<溫馨提示:點擊 開始聽寫按鈕就會出現答題框哦 聽寫完后點擊 提交聽寫 按鈕才會有相應的滬元獎勵喲>
C:All my usual moves haven't worked.__1__ He thinks too much like me, sees me coming. And the way he's running the business, I worry everything my father had worked for will be lost. Since you're part of the company now, __2__
L:I do care, Charles, __3__ You're living alone. why don't you move back in here? It'll make it a lot easier to work together.
C:I'm not interested in a family reunion nor in assuaging your guilt over my father's death. Do you believe in my cause or not?
L:I do. But your shenanigans -- planting coke in his gym bag, ambushing him with a transsexual hooker...
C:Two. they owed me a favor.
L:Will only cast a negative light on you in the board's eyes.
C:I don't care about the board anymore.
L:You should. You need them. __4__ My 20% stake in Bass industries must count for something, and when I'm done, __5__
C:Don't hold your breath.
ps:【緋聞女孩】出節(jié)目單啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 歡迎大家訂閱~
Chuck在被Uncle Jack 整了之后 努力的想要整倒Jack 不過用盡了方法卻依然不起作用 于是終于回來找了Lily 請求她幫他想辦法 在繼Bart死后 Chuck就一直因為Bart的死耿耿于懷 沒辦法接受Lily一家的關心 故意把Lily想得很冷血 可是 Lily的關心確實千真萬確出自于心底的 Chuck你什么時候才能放下心結坦然接受Lily一家的心意呢?
<聽寫方式: 填寫對話缺失的部分,不用帶數字序號>
<溫馨提示:點擊 開始聽寫按鈕就會出現答題框哦 聽寫完后點擊 提交聽寫 按鈕才會有相應的滬元獎勵喲>
C:All my usual moves haven't worked.__1__ He thinks too much like me, sees me coming. And the way he's running the business, I worry everything my father had worked for will be lost. Since you're part of the company now, __2__
L:I do care, Charles, __3__ You're living alone. why don't you move back in here? It'll make it a lot easier to work together.
C:I'm not interested in a family reunion nor in assuaging your guilt over my father's death. Do you believe in my cause or not?
L:I do. But your shenanigans -- planting coke in his gym bag, ambushing him with a transsexual hooker...
C:Two. they owed me a favor.
L:Will only cast a negative light on you in the board's eyes.
C:I don't care about the board anymore.
L:You should. You need them. __4__ My 20% stake in Bass industries must count for something, and when I'm done, __5__
C:Don't hold your breath.
ps:【緋聞女孩】出節(jié)目單啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 歡迎大家訂閱~
Jack is blood.
I thought you might care.
but my concern is for you, not the company.
So let me help you by handling this like a grownup.
perhaps shall we reconsider your living situation.
C:我的行動顯然沒有奏效 杰克是冷血的 他和我太像了 他正等著我去找他 只是像他這樣經營生意 我擔心我父親的付出會在此功虧一簣 你也是公司的一分子 我想你可能也會在乎
L:我當然在乎 查理斯 但我擔心的是你 而不是公司 你現在自己一個人 為什么你不搬回來住 這樣也會讓我們更好的一切工作 我對家庭團圓沒有什么興趣 你這么做并不會減輕我父親的死 給你帶來的愧疚感 我這么說你同不同意
L:我同意 但是你的詭計 用春藥讓他嗨起來 強塞給他一個變性妓女
C:是兩個 她們欠我人情
L:你要考慮 你需要他們 讓我來像個成年人一樣來幫你吧 我在拜斯集團的百分之二十股份 還是有點權力的 一旦我?guī)湍憬鉀Q了 或許你會再考慮一下自己的生活情況