

450)=450"> 【Dialogue 3】

Tom: Hi, how much do you ask for it?
Saleslady: 150 RMB.
Tom:Don't try to ——1——! I know what this is worth. 50 RMB, tops.
Saleslady: Are you——2——? It cost me more than that. (grabs a calculator) ——3—— RMB.
Tom:Come on! If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this from you.
Saleslady: Wait, wait! OK, 85 RMB. ——4——. Take it or leave it.
Tom: If that's the lowest you're willing to go, I'm leaving. I'll pay 65RMB. Final offer.
Saleslady: You drive ——5——. I'm losing money on this, but alright. I'll let you have it for 65.


450)=450"> 【精彩短句】


How do you sell the water melons?
How much do I owe you?
How much do you charge / ask for it?
How much do you want for it?
How much does it come to?
How much does the bill come to?
What does it come to?
How much is that worth?
What do the oranges start at?

答案:rip me off kidding 120 Final price a hard bargain
喂,這個多少錢? 150元。 別想宰我,我是識貨的。最多50元。 別開玩笑。我可是花了不少錢的。(拿起一個計算器)120元怎么樣? 算了吧,如果你不能給我一個便宜的價格,我就不買了。 等等,好吧啊,85元。不能再低了,買還是不買? 如果85塊錢就是最低價了,我還是不買。65元怎么樣,不講了。 你太會砍價了,我要賠錢了。好吧,就65元。