World Report on Disability
Cindy Lewis
Mobility International USA
校稿 藍色三葉草
翻譯 龍貓08
組長 藍色三葉草
New estimates show that more than 1 billion people have a physical or mental disability. Experts say almost 1/5 of them experience serious difficulties in their daily lives as a result of their disability. And disability rates are increasing as populations get older and more people get long-term con…
一項新的評估顯示, 超過10億人有身體或是精神殘疾。專家們表示,其中將近1/5的人由于殘疾在日常生活中遇到了很大的困難。隨著人口老齡化以及心臟病和糖尿病一類慢性病患病人群的增加,殘疾率也在不斷攀升。 這份評估來自世界衛(wèi)生織和世界銀行的一份報告。這份關于殘疾的全球報告稱,大部分國家在滿足殘疾人需求方面做得…