The person you're meeting with is probably overworked and stressed about having to hire someone, so make it easy for him or her.
While human resources professionals do get extensive training in job interviewing techniques, the average line manager is winging it.
The five-year question is a common one, and it's uncommonly tricky. Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough. So you want to say something that covers all bases, like, 'I'd be happy to stay in this job as long as I'm still learning things and making a valuable contribution.
Sometimes how you approach your answer is far more important than the answer itself," Couper says. If you're presented with a hypothetical problem and asked how you would resolve it, try to think of a comparable situation from the past and tell what you did about it.
In at least one crucial respect, a job interview is like a date: Chemistry counts. A candidate who is less qualified, but has the right personality for the organization and hits it off with the interviewer, will almost always get hired over a candidate who merely looks good on paper.