This is Hollywood 411. The Big Bang theory Welcome back to Hollywood 411 I'm Chris.
《生活大爆炸》歡迎回到Hollywood 411,我是Chris。
It's a show where minds of geniuses don't always translate into brilliant social skills. Joining me now one who always keeps us laughing Simon plays Howard on the show Welcome good to see you.
Tell me why em they're seeking advice from you with the ladies.
Well I I think I've got all the answers.
Well, give it to me, I think I need some help.
Well yeah there I'm always ready to impart any pearls of wisdom I can to anybody about the woman on that show. I've got the outfit all the languages. I'm ready to hit on any?woman anywhere in the world at anytime.
Your character's fascinating because you have the sort of casanova confidance and yet you don't get any love.
What's that about?
It's sad It's about realities.
I think it's a...I think it's a sad world that we're living in he's the living proof that that might not be requited love there. I don't want to sound cynical.
For me the character is just so close to how I am...I'am a magnet a chick magnet.
On the positive note though.
You guys went to the Latin America recently Mexico. You were shocked to learn that you guys are international super stars. The show's a huge hit I didn't know.
Yes It was like being in the Beetles. I was like the Jewish Beatle.
I arrived and the paparazzi was at the airport waiting for us and we had an armed bodyguard that went wherever with us even in bathroom. I remember I would go to bathroom and?there's a man you know standing with a gun next to me, which makes it pretty hard to pee.
I don't know if you ever...he wasn't aiming at me I mean.
No. He's protecting you.
No. He was.
The fans were that really into the show. They were obsessed.
I guess that's the number one show in Latin America.
And yeah we were treated like Royalty, got free tequila everywhere we went. I'm not a large man in case you haven't noticed. So a couple shots and about ten more and I was...I?was no longer in Mexico I was in lalala...
Do you get it the first time you read the script or you're like can someone explain this to me?
um We actually have an astro-physicist on the side.
-True story? -Oh true story yes.
We are armed with knowledge and people around us at least have knowledge.
We come in,a lot of times. Yeah. It's just like written in another language.
So we had to sort of decipher it and we'll ask questions say this higher genius I mean it makes you feel a?little small when they have to pay people because you are not smart enough to grasp the materials.