英倫情人休格蘭特晉升奶爸 華裔前女友生千金
來源:The Telegraph
2011-11-02 10:53
Hugh Grant becomes a father for the first time after a fleeting affair with Chinese actress Tinglan Hong 19 years his junior
休·格蘭特晉升奶爸 華裔前女友洪婷蘭生了個千金
Hugh Grant has become a father for the first time after a former girlfriend, who is 19 years his junior, gave birth following a ‘fleeting affair’.
The pregnancy was not planned and the child, who has not been named, is now five weeks old.
Grant is not believed to have been present at the birth but he is said to have spent around half an hour with her the following day before heading to Scotland to play in a golf tournament.
The baby was delivered at the private Portland Hospital in central London by Caesarean section. It is believed the mother used the name ‘Sophie’ Hong during her stay at the hospital.
Grant - who previously dated Liz Hurley and Jemima Khan and has a reputation as a commitment-phobe - had a short-lived relationship with Miss Hong, who is Chinese and said to be an actress.
But they are no longer together and last night his spokesman said: 'I can confirm that Hugh Grant is the delighted father of a baby girl. He and the mother had a fleeting affair and while this was not planned, Hugh could not be happier or more supportive.
The identity of the mother was not disclosed in the statement, nor were details of the couple’s relationship.
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