

Leonard之前與Howard有一項協(xié)定,誰找到漂亮女朋友就得讓他的女友給對方也介紹一個, Leonard旁敲側擊地跟Penny說了這回事,Penny實在不愿意把自己好友推向“深淵”,但在Leonard的請求下最終答應了.

LEONARD: So,listen...Have you ever made a pact with someone?

PENNY:You mean like a pinky swear?

LEONARD: Okay,fine,like a pinky swear.

PENNY:Well,in the first grade,my friend Rosie and I Made a pact to marry Bert and Ernie. You know,from Sesame street?

LEONARD: I'm familiar with Bert and Ernie.

PENNY:Then we find out we both wanted Ernie. We didn't speak again until middle school.

LEONARD: Over puppets?

PENNY:The heart wants what the heart wants,Leonard.

LEONARD: Okay. Speaking of what the heart want- Um,a long time ago, I made a pact with Wolowitz that kind of involves you.

PENNY:Okay,I don't know where you're going with this, But tread carefully because it may be the last conversation we ever have.

LEONARD: No,no,nothing like that. The deal was that if either of us ever got a girlfriend, We'd have her fix the other one up With one of her friends.

PENNY:And you thought it's a good time to bring this up right after sex?

LEONARD: Well,I sure as hell wasn't going to bring it up before sex. And during,I was trying to remember what I read on google,so...

PENNY:I'm not hooking Wolowitz up with one of my friends.

LEONARD: It doesn't have to be a good friend. And you know that deep down inside,Howard's a really nice guy.

PENNY:The problem isn't what's on the inside. It's the creepy candy coating.

LEONARD: Will you at least think about it? Just as a favor to me?

PENNY:Oh,great thing about ernie, Was he never asked me for anything. He just gave.


1make a pact定下約定

2 pinky swear拉鉤,勾小指頭

3The heart wants what the heart wants心想要什么就要什么,心有所向.

4 as hell[口語]很,非常,極其

She is sexy as hell她超級性感

5deep down inside內心深處

Deep down inside, every Chinese persons has kept his or her true heritage.內心深處,每一個中國人都保持自己的傳統(tǒng)。