Pearl mumbled something into his ear, that sounded, indeed, like human language, but was only such gibberish as children may be heard amusing themselves with, by the hour together. At all events, if it involved any secret information in regard to old Roger Chillingworth, it was in a tongue unknown to the erudite clergyman, and did but increase the bewilderment of his mind. The elvish child then laughed aloud.

"Dost thou mock me now?" said the minister.

"Thou wast not bold!- thou wast not true!" answered the child. "Thou wouldst not promise to take my hand, and mother's hand, to-morrow noontide!"
“你膽?。 悴焕蠈?!”那孩子回答說。“你不愿意答應明天中午拉著我和媽媽的手!”

"Worthy sir," answered the physician, who had now advanced to the foot of the platform. "Pious Master Dimmesdale! can this be you? Well, well, indeed! We men of study, whose heads are in our books, have need to be straitly looked after! We dream in our waking moments, and walk in our sleep. Come, good sir, and my dear friend, I pray you, let me lead you home!"
“尊貴的先生,”醫(yī)生一邊應聲說,一邊走到平臺腳下?!膀\的丁梅斯代爾牧師,難道當真是你嗎?哎喲喲,果然是的!我們這些作學問的人,就知埋頭書本,確實需要好好照看!我們會醒著作夢,睡著走路的。來吧,好先生,我的親愛的朋友,我請求你啦,讓我?guī)慊丶野桑 ?/div>

"How knewest thou that I was here?" asked the minister fearfully.

"Verily, and in good faith," answered Roger Chillingworth, "I knew nothing of the matter. I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful Governor Winthrop, doing what my poor skill might to give him ease. He going home to a better world, I, likewise, was on my way homeward, when this strange light shone out. Come with me, I beseech you, reverend sir; else you will be poorly able to do Sabbath duty to-morrow. Aha! see now, how they trouble the brain- these books!- these books! You should study less, good sir, and take a little pastime; or these night-whimseys will grow upon you."

"I will go home with you," said Mr. Dimmesdale.