京滬高鐵上演浪漫求婚 功夫熊貓感動外國網(wǎng)友
2011-07-22 14:32
How to propose to your girlfriend: Dress up like a giant panda, sneak up behind her on a train, and drop down on one knee.
Sure, it may not be the most conventional route, but it totally worked for the guy in this video.
At first the girl looks completely freaked, but once her love removed his panda mask, her awkward giggles of fear turned to those of delight.
So, to the cheers of dozens of his train-riding companions, Mr. Panda took to his knee and offered up a ring. (No word yet on how many carats.) He called his love "the most important person in my life." Girlfriend cried like a baby -- but she said yes!
so incredibly cute! loved it!!!
so incredibly cute! loved it!!!
I LOVE it . . . the guy has imagination.Who knows what sort of world this fledgling family is starting out in, what their marriage will become . . . but it is interesting to see love alive and breathing, in its own context, where ever that may be.
I LOVE it . . . the guy has imagination.Who knows what sort of world this fledgling family is starting out in, what their marriage will become . . . but it is interesting to see love alive and breathing, in its own context, where ever that may be.