For the first time since the smartphone's 2007 debut, Apple did not release a new iPhone in June. Wall Street experts widely believed that consumers would hold off on purchasing iPhones until the company unveiled a new version, which most expect it to do in September.

Apple didn't comment on when that new iPhone would be released, but Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's chief financial officer, spoke Tuesday about a somewhat mysterious "future product transition" that will take place during the current quarter.

The company also sold a record 9.25 million iPads in the quarter, as Apple finally found a way to bring supply more in line with demand. Expected shipping dates fell this week to within one to three days after an order is placed. The new version of the popular tablet, which went on sale in March, had at one point been shipping as much as five to six weeks after sales.

One weak spot in Apple's strong quarter was the 7.5 million iPods that the company sold, which is about 20% lower than its iPod sales last year. Last quarter marked the first time Apple's tablet has outsold its iconic MP3 player.

Some analysts were skeptical about how Apple stacked up compared to its chief competitor.

Apple sold 33 million iOS devices in quarter, including the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad, which works out to about 367,000 devices per day. But Apple's chief iPhone and iPad rival, Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), impressed Wall Street last week when it said its Android operating system is activating 550,000 devices each day -- about 50% more than Apple.

As in the past, Apple executives hinted to analysts that Google may be artificially inflating its device activations figures -- an accusation that Google has previously denied.?"The Android activation number is a difficult one to get hands around," said Cook. "Our numbers are open, and transparent."