'TALKING brightly of nest-building and the joy of time alone with her husband, these are the letters of an apparently blissful bride. Yet as was to become all too clear, Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles was riddled with tensions from the start. Despite this, the previously unpublished personal correspondence reveals the Princess of Wales was, in those early years at least, able to keep up appearances. Pen pals: Diana writes about her 'cosy nest', left, and the 'happiness William brought them' Signing herself as ‘Miss Diana’, the letters provide a glimpse into the private life of the couple, whom she dubbed simply ‘Mr & Mrs Wales’. In a poignant echo, her son Prince William and his new bride are also said to call each other Mr and Mrs Wales in private.
Diana wrote about her ‘heavenly’ honeymoon in Balmoral and her plans to make Highgrove a ‘cosy nest’. And she confided to a friend her nerves over a visit to Wales – one of her earliest royal duties – and, with William’s arrival, described the joy of becoming a mother.But the image conjured by the hand-written letters is starkly at odds with Diana’s later claims that she was desperately unhappy. Years later, she would reveal she had thrown herself down stairs while pregnant with William, and had attempted suicide several times before 1986. 'The Princess' letters give a fascinating glimpse into her life in the early years of her marriage to Prince Charles and we are expecting a lot of interest from collectors from around the world.' Mrs Hodge added: 'I was very privileged because my friendship with Diana continued after her wedding and we were in contact until her death in 1997.
'She was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace. 'I know she was very much in love with Prince Charles and she just wanted to be loved in return. 'And I know Diana would have been so proud when Prince William married Catherine and the fact he gave her his mother's own ring when they got engaged.'
雖然凱特與威廉在英國威斯敏斯特大教堂的婚典以及之后的蜜月之旅已經(jīng)隆重的“落下了帷幕”,但是對凱特的“婆婆”逝去的戴安娜王妃的關注度卻沒有 因此而降低,近日,戴安娜王妃的生前閨密將戴安娜生前的一封私密信件天價拍賣,讓這個已經(jīng)“雪藏”了幾十年的秘密重見天日,也讓我們看到了新婚不久的戴安 娜王妃的最真實的心路歷程。據(jù)悉,在信中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)雖然新婚燕爾的戴安娜與查爾斯表面看上去還是十分甜蜜,他們還親昵地稱對方為威爾士先生與威爾士小姐, 盡管如此,在信里,我們還是看到了戴安娜與查爾斯婚姻中的灰色的一面,以及他們婚姻觸礁的苗頭。
戴安娜王妃在信里描述她與查爾斯在Balmoral的蜜月為天堂般的旅程,以及她希望把與查爾斯的愛巢Highgrove弄得更溫馨的愿望。我們 了解到,雖然戴妃在代表英國王室履行義務的出訪中一向平易近人、自信滿滿,但是實際上戴妃卻十分“恐懼”出訪的政治任務,比如她首次出訪威爾士忐忑不安的 心情。在戴安娜這封手寫書信中,她向她的閨密描述了她當上媽媽的喜悅之情,但是同時也向閨密“倒苦水”稱與查爾斯的婚姻十分絕望,不多年后,就傳出戴安娜 在身懷威廉王子的情況下滾下樓梯的新聞,以及在1986年之前多次試圖自殺的消息。
閨密評價戴妃:“她是一個忙碌的女人,但是還是會抽空和我們在咖啡廳相聚,甚至還會邀請我們?nèi)ニ麻降幕蕦m做客。戴妃絕對是一個好媽媽,她當時是 深愛著查爾斯王子的,并且希望從自己的愛中得到一些反饋,希望查爾斯也像她一樣付出他的愛。我了解戴妃,戴妃倘若還在世,她真的會因為兒子能和凱特結(jié)婚而 感到幸福和驕傲的!”