《加勒比海盜4》確定引進 5月20日同步上映
2011-04-20 14:50
The Walt Disney Company’s Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides will release in China on May 20, day and date with U.S. and most of the world, playing in all formats, including 3D and IMAX-3D, a company spokesman said late Tuesday.
備受期待的暑期檔大片《加勒比海盜4:驚濤怪浪》已經(jīng)確定引進中國內(nèi)地,并將于5月20日全球同步上映。這部由迪士尼電影出品的奇幻巨制屆時將會以2D、3D、IMAX 3D格式上映。
The film will be one of the 20 imported titles allowed to recoup between 13-17 percent of its box office gross in China each year. China’s box office jumped 64 percent in 2010 to $1.5 billion and Hollywood studios are ever more keen to get their biggest titles into the market that, with an explosion the sale of premium 3D and IMAX tickets, saw Avatar gross more than $200 million in China alone.
Pirates 4 brings back Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow and revives the franchise’s original bad guy, Geoffrey Rush. It also adds Penelope Cruz as a beautiful trickster who tangles romantically with Captain Jack and Ian McShane as a fearsome new villain.
《加勒比海盜4》雖然是續(xù)集,實際上除了幾個關(guān)鍵角色,故事與前三集的關(guān)聯(lián)并不大。這集另辟蹊蹺,講述了一個全新的傳奇:約翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)飾演的Jac船長被英國國王喬治二世抓住,受命去尋找傳說中的“不老泉”,與他一同前往的還有他的老朋友,已經(jīng)被招安了的巴博薩船長。然而這趟航程出師不順,Jack船長遇到了他的老情人安潔麗卡(佩內(nèi)洛普·克魯茲飾),他不清楚她究竟是真的愛自己,還是在利用他尋找“不老泉”。不過Jack還是被迫上了她的賊船,和她的父親——臭名昭著、令人不寒而栗的海盜“黑胡子”(伊恩·麥柯肖恩飾)一起展開了前途叵測的冒險。幾位各自心懷鬼胎的主角在這趟混雜著海盜、軍隊、僵尸、美人魚的旅程中勇往直前,誰將最先到達“不老泉”?而這神奇的泉水,又藏著什么秘密?(該劇情來源于新浪娛樂)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was released in China in June of 2007, in the pre-3D era here and without the benefit of a lead-in from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, which was banned for its supernatural themes. Nonetheless, Pirates 3 grossed over 120 million yuan (about $18.3 million today).
The Pirates name has proven itself one of the most lucrative film franchises of the 21st century, taking in a combined total of more than $2.6 billion in box office returns worldwide.
- 相關(guān)熱點:
- 電影世界
- 英語四級聽力練習(xí)