
n. 胭脂,口紅v. 上擦口紅

Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.(女人往面頰上涂胭脂, 使臉更漂亮。)

v. 1. 喚醒,弄醒2. 激勵,激起

I usually rouse at six in the morning.(我通常在早晨6點鐘醒來。)

v. 1. 漂泊,漫游2.(指眼睛)環(huán)顧

My grandfather loved to rove the countryside.(我祖父喜歡到鄉(xiāng)下走一走。)

a. 吵鬧的,混亂的

A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets.(一群吵鬧的男孩跑過街道。)

ntarya. 1. 初步的,基本的2. 未發(fā)育成熟的

He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.(他對這一科只有初步的認識。)

v. 對(某事物)感到懊悔

He rued the day that he rode the motorcycle because he fell off and broke his leg.(他懊悔那天開摩托車時摔斷了腿。)

nn. 無法無天的暴徒

v. 1. 使變皺2. 滋擾,惹怒

His boss yelled at him and ruffled his feathers.(老板沖他叫嚷, 使他怒不可遏。)

en. 1. 破裂,斷裂2. (友好關系的)絕交v. (使)破裂

n. 1. 車轍,犁溝2. 生活方式

be stuck/in a rut 刻板而乏味的生活方式???



n. 配偶

v. 扭傷

Shesprained her ankle playing squash.(她在打軟式墻網球時扭傷了腳踝。)

rta. 1. 強壯的,結實的

Stalwart policemen stood guard outside.(強壯的警察在外面警戒。)

an. 體力,耐力

rv. 結巴

She stammers when she feels nervous.(她緊張時就口吃。)

mn. 明星的身份或地位

ev. 使驚愕,使吃驚

I yelled in my dream, whichstartled my roommate out of his sleep.(我夢中的喊叫聲驚醒了同屋伙伴。)

ha. 堅定而忠實可靠的

She’s a staunch advocate of free trade.(是自由貿易的忠實擁護者。)

hn. 秘密的、悄悄的行動

a. 1. 陡峭的2. (指價格)太高的2. 過分的v. 浸泡

A car is climbing the steep hill slowly.(一輛汽車正在陡峭的山坡上緩緩爬行。)
