Apple is paying close attention to all iPad 2 returns during the first few weeks to make sure there are no major production defects. This policy has led to an amusing story that we thought was entertaining enough to share.
The story comes by way of an individual close to Apple:
[Apple's] focus this week has been to
troubleshoot all the iPad 2s that customers are returning to the stores. One iPad came back with a post-it note on it that said "Wife said no." It was escalated as something funny, and two of the VPs got wind of it. They sent the guy an iPad 2 with a note on it that said "Apple said yes."
production defect:產(chǎn)品缺陷
troubleshoot:檢修,維修(很形象哦,trouble 麻煩+shoot 斃掉,就是檢修毛病么~)
post-it note:我們平時用的隨手貼,即時貼
get wind of sth.:和中文的說法一樣,獲知風(fēng)聲,得知某事