:n. 1. 碎片? 2. 最少量,些微? v. 撕碎
l:v. (使某物)萎縮,枯萎(因熱、冷或干所致)
Get thebulbs into the ground, or they will begin to shrivel.(把鱗莖種到地里,否則會開始干枯的。)
:v. 避免
He was a shy man whoshunned all publicity.(他是個怕羞的人, 總是避開一切引人注目的活動。)
:v. 1. 使(火車)轉(zhuǎn)軌? 2.轉(zhuǎn)移,調(diào)動
Freight Train 36 has beenshunted on to Track 6.(36次貨車已調(diào)到第六軌道上。)
5. sibling:n. 兄弟姐妹
y:n. (船上、寄宿學校等的)病室
ne:n. 1.(網(wǎng)球場、足球場等的)邊線,界限? 2. 兼職
ep:v. 1.閃躲(攻擊等)而避到一旁? 2. 回避
sidestepped to make way for the runner(側跨一步給賽跑者讓道)
:v. (悄悄地)橫這周,(偷偷地)側身挨近
Shesidled out of the crowded room.(她悄悄地側身走出那擠滿人的房間。)
ng:n. 看見
ch:v. & n. 譴責,責備
It wasn't your fault, you have nothing to reproach yourself with.(那不是你的錯,你沒有什么可自責的。)
e:n. 爬行動物
:v. 1. 抵抗,抵制? 2. 耐? 3. 克制
The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.(這個城市反抗敵人的猛攻達兩個星期之久。)
or:n. 電阻器
nce:n. 反響,共鳴
:v. 1. 憑借,訴諸? 2. 常去? n. 1. 手段? 2. 度假勝地
One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.(人們有時還得依靠這些小玩意兒。)
table:a. 1. 可敬的,體面的? 2. 相當好的
Compared to today's vandals, the original ones seem very respectable. (正牌的汪達爾人跟今天的汪達爾人相比,就顯得非??删戳?。)
8. respectful:a. 恭敬的,有禮貌的
tive:a. 各自的,個別的
The first and second prizes went to Mary and George respectively. (頭獎歸瑪麗所得,二獎歸喬治所得。)
ation:n. 1. 呼吸? 2. (植物的)呼吸
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- 英語專業(yè)八級考試
- 專八
- 楊瀾演講