
n. 1. 支點,樞軸2. 中心或最重要的人或事物

iffn. 原告

arya. 行星的

planetary probe(行星探測器)


nn. (軍隊)

In his platoon he had thirty-two men.(在他的排里有32名士兵。)

fn. 加時賽

n. 1. 懇求,請求2. (法庭上)辯解

He was absent under the plea of illness.(他借口有病沒有出席。)

v. 1. 懇求,祈求2. (法庭上)辯護3. 為理由

She wept andpleaded until he agreed to do as she wished.(她哭著懇求他, 一直到他答應(yīng)按她的愿望去做。)

n. (布上的)褶v. 打褶

You can pleat palm fronds to make huts, umbrellas and baskets.(人們可以把棕櫚葉折疊起來蓋棚屋,制傘,編籃子。)

n. 困境


n. 塵埃,灰塵v. 1. 除去的灰塵,擦凈,掃去2. 使沾上灰塵

dust and ashes令人失望的事物

throw dust into sb’s eyes迷惑(蒙蔽)某人

nn. 垃圾箱

v. 居住,生活于,棲息

dwell on 1. 老想著,詳述,長談2. 凝視,持續(xù)

ev. 漸漸減少(縮小),衰落

The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling.(地球上野生動物的數(shù)量正日漸減少。)

ten. 1. 炸藥2.轟動一時的人物(事物),具有爆炸想的事物v. 炸毀,爆破

The philosopher was still political dynamite.(那位哲學(xué)家仍舊是政治上的爆炸性人物。)

the end
