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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the kid's understanding of going to school.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.

14 points?

As is demonstrated in the picture, despite his mother’s angry face, the kid is unwilling to go to school, arguing that since he can get everything he wants to know through his phone, there’s no nned going to school and acquiring them in class. It’s no uncommon to hear such argument among young students nowadays.?

However, this kid’s understanding of going to school can be potentially harmful for following reasons. First, more than merely acquiring knowledge, going to school is also an act to get involved in society. We’ll learn how to build friendship and develop interpersonal skills, which is valuable experience in our life that cannot be learnt from phones. Besides, schools also teaches us how to think, how to pursue knowledge actively, which can not be replaced by cellphones because we can only gain knowledge passively from cellphones.?

For reasons above, it’s high time that young students realized the value of school. Put down their phones and interact with others, and a bigger world is waiting for us to explore.

11 points?

The picture describes a conversation between a child and his mother. The child thinks it is not necessary to attend school because almost all information can be obtained from cell phone with Internet. That seems make sense, whereas, in my perspective, it is still essential for us to go to school.?

We live in an information age when books and articles are avaible to everyone on the Internet. Knowledge becomes public. If we want to learn something such as mathematics, we can easily find some related books online. However, knowledge online isn’t knowledge. You will need to learn it and turn it to your own knowledge. Schools, or maybe teachers, can conduct you how to learn well. Actually, they develop your study habits and tell you some methods when dealing with new difficult problems. How to learn is absolutely more important than what to learn. Although there are huge amounts of knowledge online, we still need to know how to master it. That’s why we go to school.?

8 points?

The carton reveals a young boy who takes a phone and show his doubting, and a man with a dog is listening his question. “Why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?” Nowaday, a great amount of students use electronics like mobile phone. It seems we can acknowledge all information through internet, but something we ignored.

First of all, if we have already got a phone and don’t need to go to school, so how about improve our communication skills? There is no platform for students to know each other.?

Secondly, how to create a team work? We only know ourselves, and don’t know sharing, don’t know help others, don’t know 1 + 1 more than 2.?

Last but not least, we can learn not only knowledge, but also music, computer, and language.?

All reasons show why we should go to school. Although it is convenient for us to acknoledge information through phone, but lost happiness of learning and exploring with others which is the most important.?

5 points

In our daily life, more and more morden method can start. Just like the picture said “why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?” As we knowns, we can start from our phones. But I think there is a misunderstanding said about this. The reasons are above of.?

Going to school, we can start all subjects, example, Chinese, Math, Music and so on. When we not understand, we can ask for teachers. We can receive all kinds of knowledge from the school. Going to school, we have communicate with teacher and classmate, these can help us improving our communicate skills, which can help we when we go to sociate. If you have this communicate relationship, we will have good job.?

In all, learning from the phone can not steady of learning from school. In our life, the phone knowledge is limit. In our limited education condition, going to school will learn more knowledge. It can take us all knowledge, communication skills, people’s relationship.?

2 points?

Why I going to school if my phone already knows everything? But you phone can’t teacher you how learning.?

For some reasons, in we are a child, we must going to school, to study, to leaning, to player. But if this IT time, this Bigdate time, my phone can knows everything. He ccan teacher you, can easy call everone, can giving you happying from something game.?

Because, the school can give more. First, let you going to school, is in government idea, in very long time is away in they. Two, you father and mother, he want to you going to school, because, in him we are child, in him we be going to school. So where you phone can already knows everthing. But this is just phone he can’t chang we are school. For something reason, school away is school, whever IT time, Bigdate time, school is nobody can easy chang. Because, this is school, by learn, by funing, giving you friend the school.


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