

故宮(The Palace Museum ),舊稱紫禁城(Forbidden City),是明、清兩朝(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)的皇宮,位于北京市市中心,前通天安門,后倚景山公園,東近王府井街市,西臨中南海。故宮是無與倫比的古代建筑杰作,也是世界現(xiàn)存規(guī)模最大、保存最完整的古代皇宮建筑群,1987年被聯(lián)合國教科文組織(UNESCO)評為世界文化遺產(chǎn)。故宮是中華民族的驕傲所在,也是全人類的珍貴文化遺產(chǎn)。

The Palace Museum, once called Forbidden City, isthe imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Located in central City of Beijing, it faces Tian’anmenSquare in the front, with Jingshan Park at its back,Wangfujing Street at its east, and Zhongnanhai at its west. The Palace Museum is anunprecedented masterpiece of ancient construction and the world’s largest and best-preserved architectural complex of ancient imperial palace at present. It was listed as aworld cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987. It’s an invaluable cultural heritage of all humanbeings as well as the pride of the Chinese nation.



The Temple of Heaven in the southern part of Beijingis China's largest existing architectural complex ofancient sacrificial buildings.Occupying an area ofabout 273 hectares, it is three times the area of theForbidden City. It was built in 1420 for emperors toworship the Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is considered the most holy of Beijing's imperialtemples.It has been described as“a masterpiece of combining architecture and landscapedesign”. Although in feudal times common people were not allowed to enter this enormouspark, now by paying only a small fee everyone can enjoy it all day long.


頤和園(the Summer Palace)位于北京市西北部的海淀區(qū),距北京市中心15公里。它是中國最大、保存最完好的皇家園林。頤和園有著名的自然風(fēng)景和人文景觀(cultural landscape),因此它也一直被公認(rèn)為是“皇家園林博物館”。顧和園始建于1750年,作為一座豪華的皇家花園供皇室成員休息和娛樂。清朝末期,頤和園成為了皇家成員的主要居住地。它位列世界遺產(chǎn)(the World Heritage Sites)目錄,也是中國第一批國家5A級旅游景區(qū)之一。

The Summer Palace is situated in the Haidian District,northwest of Beijing City,15 kilometers from central Beijing.It is the largest and most well-preserved royal park in China.It also has long been recognized as “the Museum of Royal Gardens”with famous natural view and cultural landscape.The construction started in 1750 as a luxurious royal garden for royal families to rest and entertain.It became the main residence of royal members in the end of the Qing Dynasty.It not only ranks amongst the World Heritage Sites but also is one of the first national 5A tourist spots in China.



The Great Wall, which is also called “wan li changcheng” in Chinese language, is not only the treasureof Chinese civilization, but also the masterpiecemade by the ancient Chinese people. The Great Wallis not only one of the world cultural heritages, but the symbol of the Chinese nation. Itsarchitectural value is comparable to its historical and strategic importance. Among thenumerous remains of the Great Wall, Badaling in Beijing is the most popular destinationthat has won fame both at home and abroad. It can also be regarded as the mostrepresentative section of the Wall ever constructed during the Ming Dynasty. Every year itattracts many tourists from all over the world.
