

Buffet/All-you-can-eat 自助餐

Napkin 餐巾紙

Chopsticks 筷子

Straw 吸管

White rice/Plain rice 白飯

Fried rice 炒飯

Chow mein/Low mein 炒面/撈面

Boba milk tea 珍珠奶茶

Cheeseburger 芝士漢堡

Fries 薯?xiàng)l

Appetizer 開胃菜

Small/Medium/Regular/Large Drink 小/中/標(biāo)準(zhǔn)/大杯飲料

Sunny side up egg 煎一面的荷包蛋

Over-hard egg 全熟蛋

Scrambled egg 炒蛋

Poached egg 水煮嫩蛋

Ranch 田園沙拉醬

Thousand Island 千島醬

Mayonnaise/Mayo 美乃滋(蛋黃醬)

Blue Cheese 藍(lán)奶酪醬

Italian Dressing 意式沙拉醬

Honey Mustard 蜂蜜芥末醬

Ketchup 茄汁/番茄醬

A1 sauce 牛排沾醬

Worcestershire sauce 喼汁

Whole Wheat Bread 全麥面包

White bread 白面包

Toast 烤土司

Instant noodles 方便面

Chicken nuggets 雞塊

Mashed potatoes 土豆泥

Coleslaw 卷心菜沙拉

Chicken drumsticks/ Chicken thighs 雞小腿/雞大腿

Pickles 腌黃瓜


Let's grab something to eat! 我們隨便找點(diǎn)東西填肚子吧!

May I see your menu, please? 可以讓我看一下菜單嗎?

What would you recommend? 有什么推薦的嗎?

I prefer something light. 我想吃清淡點(diǎn)

What's today's special? 今日特餐是什么?

Please take my order./Can I order now? 我要點(diǎn)菜了.

I'd like this combo. 我要點(diǎn)這個套餐

I'll have the same as that one. 跟那個一樣的給我來一份

Meal or sandwich? 要套餐還是只要三文治/漢堡包?

For here or to go? 這里吃還是外帶?

How would you like your steak cooked? 肉要幾分熟? Well done 全熟;Medium-well 七分熟;Medium 五分熟;Medium-rare 三分熟;Rare 一分熟

What sauce would you like for your salad/steak? 沙拉/牛排要配什么醬汁嗎?

Is that all? 就這些了嗎?

That's all. / That would be all. 夠了,就這些

Cream or sugar? 要奶精還是糖? Both 都要. The black will do 黑咖啡就行

Would you like a refill? 要不要續(xù)杯?

Have you finished or still working on it? 用完餐了嗎? 還是要繼續(xù)?

Can I please have a(some) to-go box(es)?

Could we have checks? Separate, please. 埋單,分開付

Let's split the bill. 我們各付各的

It's on me. 我請客


Spinach 菠菜

Cabbage 卷心菜

Leek 韭蔥

Onion 洋蔥

Nappa cabbage 大白菜

Celery 芹菜

Cauliflower 菜花

Broccoli 西蘭花

Lettuce 生菜

Carrot 胡蘿卜

Potato 土豆

Tomato 番茄

Eggplant 茄子

Corn 玉米

Aloe Vera 蘆薈

Cucumber 黃瓜

Pumpkin 南瓜

Squash 菜瓜泛稱

Zucchini 西葫蘆

Sweet potato 地瓜/番薯

Green bean 四季豆

String bean 豆角

Snap pea 甜豆

Snow pea 荷蘭豆

Bell pepper 甜椒

Lentil 扁豆泛稱

Mushroom 蘑菇泛稱

Asparagus 蘆筍

Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage 白菜

Choy Sum 菜心

Ong Choy/Mater Convolvulus 空心菜

Watercress 西洋菜

Garlic chives 韭菜

Seaweed 紫菜

Kelp 海帶

Daikon Radish 白蘿卜

Hairy melon/Fuzzy melon 節(jié)瓜/毛瓜

Bitter melon/Bitter gourd 苦瓜

Winter Melon/White gourd 冬瓜

Luffa 絲瓜

Soybean 大豆/黃豆

Mung bean 綠豆

Bean sprout 豆芽

Pea shoots 豆苗

Yam shoots 薯苗

Edamame 毛豆

Lotus root 蓮藕

Lotus seed 蓮子

Garlic 蒜

Garlic scapes/Garlic spears 蒜苔

Ginger 生姜

Green onion/Scallion 青蔥

Taro 芋頭

Bamboo shoot 竹筍


Oyster mushroom 平菇

King oyster mushroom 杏鮑菇

Straw mushroom 草菇

Needle mushroom 金針菇

Lion's mane mushroom 猴頭菇

Morchella/Morel 羊肚菌

Shiitake 香菇

Matsutake 松茸蘑菇

Truffle 松露


Pineapple 菠蘿

Watermelon 西瓜

Papaya 木瓜

Chestnut 栗子

Coconut 椰子

Mandarin 橘子

Sugar-cane 甘蔗

Pomelo 柚子

Juicy peach 水蜜桃

Donut peach 蟠桃

Nectarine 油桃

Pear 梨子

Peach 桃子

Starfruit/Carambola 楊桃

Cherry 櫻桃

Persimmon 柿子

Apple 蘋果

Mango 芒果

Fig 無花果

Almond 杏仁

Plum 李子

Cantaloupe 哈密瓜

Honeydew 香瓜

Olive 橄欖

Durian 榴蓮

Strawberry 草莓

Grape 葡萄

Grapefruit 葡萄柚

Lichee/ lychee 荔枝

Longan 龍眼

Guava 番石榴

Avocado 牛油果
