Leonard因工作原因不能載Sheldon去上班, Sheldon只好求助于Penny. 可憐的Penny不僅沒(méi)有懶覺(jué)睡, 還要忍受Sheldon一路上“唧唧歪歪”,最后實(shí)在受不了直接把Sheldon丟在路邊…
PENNY: Well,good for Leonard.
SHELDON: Euclid Avenueis shorter as the crow flies,but it has speed bumps, which appreciably increase point-to-point drive time,making it the less efficient choice. But you have the conn. Of course, if you're not going to slow down for the speed bumps, I withdraw my previous objection. Here's a fun question. Do you know what the most common street name is?
SHELDON:?The answer's tricky. It's Second Street. You see, you'd think it would be First Street, but in most towns, First Street eventually gets renamed to something else. You know, like Main Street, Broad Street. Michigan Avenue. See, Leonard and I often use our commute time to exercise our minds with?brain-teasers?like that. We also play games.Would you like to play one?
SHELDON:?Oh, come on. It's fun. Another bump. Okay. I'll say an element, and, and you say an element whose name starts with the last letter of the one I said, okay? I'll start. Helium. Now, you could say "mercury." That would give me a "y." Very clever. That's a tough one. So I go with "ytterbium," which gets you back to "m." So you go "molybdenum," and I say "magnesium." You say "manganese." I say "europium," and,then, you're left with "mendelevium," and there are no more m's because I believe that meitnerium should still be called ekairidium.So,congratulations. You win. Do you wanna go again?
PENNY:?Why don't we just have a little quiet time now?
SHELDON:?All right. I'm sorry. I'm finding your reckless nonchalance regarding the check-engine light to be very troubling.
PENNY:?Get out.
SHELDON:?Well,I have to tell you that while I do have a theoretical understanding of the workings of an internal combustion engine, I'm not sure I'm capable of performing diagnostics.
PENNY:?I said,"Get out."
SHELDON:?Okay. I'll give it a shot.
1. as the crow flies直線距離,筆直的
We're twenty kilometres from town as the crow flies, but nearly thirty by road. 我們離城的直線距離為二十公里,但路程有三十公里。
2. speed bumps減速帶, 減速帶還有一種有趣的說(shuō)法是sleeping policeman.
3. brain-teaser腦筋急轉(zhuǎn)彎
4. internal combustion engine內(nèi)燃機(jī)
5. give it a shot試一試
Just give it a shot you will not regret it.試一試吧,你絕對(duì)不會(huì)后悔。